At Providence Care, we believe that all people, regardless of age, condition or stage of disease, deserve to live their lives to the very fullest. By its definition, according to the Mayo Clinic, hospice care helps people who are nearing the end of life by helping them reduce their pain, and by addressing physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. Hospice care also provides counseling, respite care and practical support. The goal of hospice, the Mayo Clinic states, “is to support the highest quality of life possible for whatever time remains.”

Through hospice care from Providence Care, we’re able to help our patients make meaningful moments with family and friends. Our patients feel pain-free with their illness under control, while experiencing a sense of calm knowing that their family is getting the help they need. That’s what most people want at life’s end, and that’s what we make happen. There are a few ways to know if the new hospice experience will benefit you and your loved one. Here are a few questions to ask to help you decide:

  • Have there been several emergency room visits in a short period of time?
  • Have there been several falls in the past six months?
  • Has the patient lost a significant amount of weight?
  • Does the patient spend most of their day in bed or in a chair?

If you have answered yes to these questions, you should know you’re not alone. Providence Care is here to help. And, you don’t have to be diagnosed with cancer with only weeks to live to experience the benefits of hospice care. If you or your loved one have heart disease, dementia, kidney failure or COPD, hospice care actually gives you more options for care rather than fewer. In fact, the Mayo Clinic indicates, “hospice care has been shown to make people who have incurable illnesses feel better and live longer.” At Providence Care, we agree – and that’s why we strive to provide a new hospice experience.

We know people have a hard time deciding when the time is right to pursue hospice care for themselves or their loved one. First of all, your doctor will work with us to determine if hospice care is appropriate. Where and when you receive the care is your own decision. It can be an emotional time for a patient when they decide to choose hospice care, but rest assured – you are not giving up. At Providence Care, we firmly believe that quality is added when you begin a relationship with caring people who can improve your life for a number of months, rather than just days.

Who will help you at Providence Care? You can count on us to ensure you have a new hospice experience in which your every need is met. Our team consists of physicians, nurses, certified nursing aides, social workers, chaplains and caring volunteers. We will care for you as a whole person, ministering to not only your physical needs, but your emotional and spiritual needs as well. We’re dedicated to making your experience your own, all in an environment that’s pain-free, and without fear or anxiety.

There are several other ways we help, too. Unique to the new hospice experience, you will receive a Personalized Care Menu. You choose what’s important to you. These are just a handful of the options we offer:

  • Coordinate a caregiver “vacation” – the patient will be cared for at an assisted living community for up to five days so caregivers can recharge and renew
  • Arrange care for your pet, if needed
  • Document life stories with a digital recording
  • Help you write birthday, anniversary and Christmas cards to be given to your loved ones for several years after your passing
  • Make a dream request through Providence Care’s Foundation
  • Massage therapy, yoga, visualization, and relaxation exercises
  • Assist in advanced directives, living wills and funeral planning
  • Bereavement counseling for your loved ones

The new hospice experience from Providence Care is redefining the way end-of-life is perceived. We believe that even when a person is dying, they still have a lot of living to do. We hope you will allow us to be a caring presence for you and your family during this very personal and significant time in your lives.

When you or a loved one needs hospice care in the privacy of your own home, you should know that Providence Care is only a phone call or message away. When you visit our contact page, you’ll find our complete listing of telephone numbers depending on your area, as well as a convenient online contact form if you’d prefer to contact us online. Either way you contact us, you can rest assured that we will be ready to help you. At Providence Care, we provide hope in action, and we look forward to being a part of your life.