Unparalleled Service
You, Your Family, Social Workers, Nurses, Medical Doctors, Volunteers, Chaplains, Bereavement Counselors, and Certified Nursing Aides all make up the core team that will provide the love and care to our clients. Providence Care is licensed, bonded, and insured. We carefully screen our staff with extensive background checks including motor vehicle record history, social security validation, and diligent reference checks. Regardless of where they call home, your loved one deserves to have all the comforts of home. Each of our in-home care providers is understanding, compassionate, skilled, and experienced in caring for the patients in our communities.

Our Care Teams meet weekly to review every patient and family care plan goal, significant changes, special needs and wishes. It is a team approach that includes, our Doctors, Nurses, Home Health Aides, Social Workers, Chaplains, and Volunteers. They work together focusing on the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of all-both patient & family. Whether it is a birthday wish, last request wish, or a family wish, team members faithfully work together to meet each and every need… and help make each and every wish come true. Team work is indeed dream work.