Providence Care has redefined the healthcare experience for the elderly. Our innovative Geriatric Wellness System – the only one of its kind in South Carolina – includes three major components:

House Calls
House Calls controls illness and prolongs life. Our House Calls program brings our physicians and nurse practitioners right to your door. Our primary care team is specially trained and board certified in geriatric and internal medicine. When you choose to participate in House Calls, you won’t have to worry about transportation or waiting rooms. We’ll coordinate all your medical care, assuring that your physicals and vaccinations are current. House Calls will help reduce trips to the emergency room and hospital for you.
Palliative Care
Palliative Care focuses on comfort and quality of life given at the same time you are seeking curative treatments. If you’re battling a serious illness, getting through the day can be a struggle. Our Palliative Care program helps control symptoms such as pain, fatigue, nausea, depression, shortness of breath, constipation, loss of appetite and difficulty sleeping. By relieving your suffering, we can help you gain the strength you need to carry on and improve your ability to tolerate medical treatments.
The New Hospice Experience
The New Hospice Experience is comfort care when a cure is no longer possible. You don’t have to be diagnosed with cancer with only weeks to live. Conditions that qualify for hospice are heart disease, COPD, renal failure and Alzheimer’s, among others. The New Hospice Experience creates more options for care, not fewer. Our team cares for you as a whole person, including your physical, emotional and spiritual needs. They create an individualized care plan that focuses on you and your life, not on your disease.
Our services are based on one fundamental principle: bringing healthcare to the elderly who are homebound. Regardless of where you live – at home, an assisted living community or a long-term care community – our doctors, nurse practitioners and all other team members bring their expertise and compassion directly to you.
We also work to serve those who are underserved. When we see a need, we act quickly to fill it. We’re here to soothe pain, fear, hunger and loneliness. This is our mission. Our philosophy is to slow down, take time and truly connect with those we serve. No matter how you use the Providence Care Wellness System, the question we always ask is, “how can we give you your best day today?”