Providence Care brings House Calls, Palliative Care and The New Hospice Experience to these South Carolina counties:

Providence Care Locations

Midlands Office

500 Lakeshore Parkway
Rock Hill, SC  29730
Phone: 844.628.2273
Fax: 803.372.5892

Upstate Office

634 Fairview Road,
Simpsonville, SC 29680
Phone: 864.881.8777
Fax: 864.757.9484

Lakelands Office

315 W. Alexander Avenue,
Greenwood, SC 29646
Phone: 864.538.6604
Fax: 864.538.6609

Georgia Office

704 Breedlove Drive Suite A
Monroe, GA 30655
Phone: 770.889.8724
Fax: 470.816.1601


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